Fuck cancer
She made some poor decisions, but that doesn’t mean she deserved to be finished off by cancer.
I kinda miss the time she was CEO of YouTube, the chaos she brought to the website was just absolutely hilarious and funny. And now that Susan is gone, we’ll never experience that era of imperfections again. Not that I prefer it over the early years of YouTube, it’s trash by comparison, but still, it’s the FUN kind of trash. YouTube today is the painful kind of trash, especially with content farms basically dominating the website.
Fuck cancer. Also, now that I said all that, I’m kind of expecting a stream of downvotes.
1- you’re on Lemmy, that’s gonna be a common view and not get down votes 2- who cares if you do? Is it worth mentioning? Is it worth me writing this comment?
You… probably made me second guess what I said on that last part. It really wasn’t worth mentioning.
I feel like a dick for saying it, but it felt like a reddit “thanks for the gold” thing. Also, while downvotes may show your opinion doesn’t align with a community, it doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t have the opinion or it’s wrong. Though it at least deserves reflection of you aren’t trolling and respect that community.
Yeah, exactly.
I agree, it should have been a collective action, not cancer.
WTF I had no idea she was unwell. No matter how bad youtube was handled she didnt deserve this.
its certainly not handled any better now
You might say it’s a cancer on society…
WTF!? So young!? That’s awful!
She ignored community feedback (I want customized channels back!) and turned YouTube into the dopamine riddled mess it is today.
Still, fuck cancer. My condoleances to her survivors.
Screw cancer. But maybe do putin next asshole?
God: Sorry, no can do. I gotta fuck up these 6 year olds first and give them bone cancer!
Ok how about just Trump?
God: Sorry, no can do. I gotta fuck up this mother of 4 and give her an aneurysm first.
How about water? Do you think you could give water to all those who need it? All you gotta do is put it up in the air as clouds and then just rain it over those places that are too dry.
Irrefutable truth that god == devil == null .
Looked up her name on Twitter to see what people were saying about this, that was a mistake 🙄
A lot of people seem to hate her for whatever reason, she was far from perfect, but all things considered I think she did fine as CEO and I never got the hate. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to manage a company as big and complex as YouTube.
A lot of people seem to hate her for whatever reason,
She was wealthy and in a position of power over something they cared about, which she managed in a way they didn’t agree with. Some people have a hard time seeing people who are very distant from them and not part of their particular tribe as human beings.
Nevertheless, she was a human being, and presumably she had loved ones who are now grieving her loss. I don’t want to think about what this vitriolic spew is doing to them.
Using Twitter was the mistake.
Looked up her name on Twitter to see what people were saying about this
I’m seriously wondering what your intentions were when you did that.
I can’t imagine how hard it must be to manage a company as big and complex as YouTube.
To be fair, not at all. Someone in her position would be making broad decisions, such as “should we have a downvote button,” and spending her time courting advertisers and handling the whiny board of directors, who are mostly geriatric babies.
I’ve never been a CEO of a company worth billions, and statistically, the likelihood of you being one is very very low. The truth is you have no idea what she did in her day to day life. I think the reality of it is she was probably working way over 40 hours a week because of the expectations from the alphabet shareholders. If she is paid millions, as an investor, id want the CEO to be working their ass off to give me a good return on my investment
These are billionaire CEOs, not artists. There’s nothing particularly mysterious about their work, which you can learn all about from the many, many self-fellating autobiographies their ghost writers churn out every year.
It’s fine to not like someone. There’s plenty of people in the world that I’m not a huge fan of. But I’d never advocate for or celebrate their deaths.
I’m also struggling to understand what her being “fully vaxxed” has to do with lung cancer… 🤦🏻
Anyway, rest in peace Susan Wojcicki.
You know how vaccine skeptics are. They think the COVID jab is a Jewish plot or some similar bullshit designed to kill everyone who takes it.
deleted by creator
Jesus, 56. Cancer sucks.
Just saw a post about this on TikTok and every one in the comments where cracking jokes and basically saying it was good she died. Couldn’t believe it. Whether or not you agree with how she ran YouTube, there’s no reason to be so cruel to a parent who died just after having to bury their own child. Glad Lemmy is being more thoughtful and respectful about this horrible situation.
RIP Susan, your tenure on YouTube might’ve not been the best for creators, but the effects of your tenure created my late childhood and adolescence. You will definitely be missed.
Guys ‘ruining’ of some entertainment platform is nowhere near worthy of that much saltiness to wish someone ded genuinely
Some salt adds spice to life but too much and you just look all dry and wrinkled. We gotta have some kind of standards
RIP. Even though she got a lot of shit from the youtube community, at least she was a bit better than what youtube currently has.
Oh shit, this is the same person whose son died of an overdose at UC berkeley not long ago. In a sense I’m not surprised she passed, some people die of a broken heart.
I’m guessing her cancer is one of the factors that drove her son to OD…just speculating, obviously. Her husband must be fucking destroyed, this is awful.
A lot of times it’s just an accident.
Was lung ca. Not cardiac.
May her shitshow of a legacy, that is the fucked up YT of today, riddled with ads and no downvotes, die next.
Cancer sucks, not wishing that on anyone, well except warmongering cunts and a few others ruining our lives and cultures.