After years of fighting pip
and conda
, I got a job where “we work with Python but also still have some .NET Framework apps”.
NuGet seemed just as bad.
People shit on JavaScript (for very good reasons) but npm is amazing compared to all these. You can have one dependency needing PackageX v1 and another dependency needing PackageX v3 and your project will just work!
A modern statically-linked language with a first-class package manager, like Rust or Go is ideal. No fighting the dependency manager, no issue with deploying on different systems, just “run this binary”.
It’s not just about speed, but also (battery) efficiency.
Even if you don’t notice the speed, if you are working on anything but a modern expensive laptop, you will notice the difference in battery draw between:
VS Code > NeoVim in traditional terminal > Neovim in Alacritty or Ghostty