Can we just pretend that Twitter no longer exists?
All that Elon Musk still tries here is how far he has to go until Twitter finally collapses.
Also, can we stop polluting the tech comms with this crap? Why are people posting this stuff here again? We were perfectly fine for awhile with no musk Twitter shit posts.
Just block it. Wait, no, that “feature” makes no sense.
Non-shitpost: I know everyone is annoyed by now, but Ex-Twitter is a huge website and relevant?
Relevant to what?
This conversation has had is back and forth far too many times. Twitter spam is not relevant to technology news. Him not blocking people has no barring on any form of new tech. It belongs in the ! comms, that’s why that was created.
It became a platform in which the whole world communicated about anything and everything. Maybe it still is to an extent, but knocking down the world’s platform plank by plank isn’t an absurd thing to write about
I absolutely agree.
That doesn’t mean its had anything to do with technology. A business comm or the above mentioned spam community would be a better fit.But like I said earlier that has been discussed a million times already. I’m not discussing it anymore.
The Fediverse is already fractured and niche, are you saying that someone should fine the perfect 36 user community, that only those subscribers are knowledgeable about, to post this to? Or perhaps news about the global platform might be relevant in the largest technology community?
2 years ago Twitter was where news broke, now it is where we get to watch a billionaire go broke in real time.
If it bothers you so much, block all mentions of the platform, person, etc.
You’re right. Why bother having separate communities for different subjects and interests? That’s just stupid. How silly of us.
I think you meant !, right?
I agree with you. Personally I like seeing the meltdown without having to actually visit the site. Same reason I appreciate seeing how Reddit has gone full Digg4.0 but haven’t visited the site since the 3rd Party Apps died.
This is/has a significant impact on technology and media.
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It isn’t relevant to the billions of people who don’t use Twitter. At this point it’s just celebrity schadenfreude.
Not to be an idiot - but where should people post this stuff? I mean, I do find it interesting occasionally, and like to see what other’s think, not so much complaining that it was posted at all.
Twitter is a tech company like it or not.
Social media, isn’t it? That’s not really tech or everything on the internet is tech.
Twitter is kind of turning into the opposite of a tech company, none of their choices are based on technology
It’s gotten to the point where I’ve even blocked the communities that are supposed to be making light of the fact that there’s too much musk spam… because I’m tired of all the musk spam…
Hrs irrelevant and nobody can change my mind. He can fuck right off idc.
The Comnect android app has a keyeord filter. Would seem easy enough to just put ‘musk’ inthere and unless you have an interest in muskies, muskrats, or some men’s cologne lines it would filter things pretty cleanly.
Nah. I’d rather people posted relevant posts in comms.
But I didn’t know about the keyword filter, that is cool to have available. Thanks!
It strikes me as wierd that you’d rather everyone else use the community the way you want it instead of just using a filter that makes it what you want it to be. Some people want to keep up with these things without following communities desicated to musk and they don’t have to agree to use this conmunity exactly the way you want it to be used.
Yeah, that’s me deciding everything on every comm. You got me.
Where did they say “everything on every comm”?
Oh look, reddit arrived
YES PLEASE. I fucking swear it genuinely feels like about 15% of the posts here are about Elon.
People need to ignore this prick and move on with their lives
I love Elon though! He is so smart with business!!🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
It’s crazy that this could be genuine praise or scathing satire, exactly as it is written.
Those are the eagles coming to drop you into Mt. Doom.
Twitter. stopped existing a long time ago, when it was bought out and gutted. It’s the gathering place of fascists now.
Not for as long as it’s relevant to hundreds of millions of people.
But I would agree that “Elon says he’s going to do it” is not much of news until it actually happens.
I’m ok with drawing attention to this stuff. Every time more Twitter shit hits the news, Fediverse apps get another boost of users.
I down vote any post on here that mentions X, Twitter, or Elon, usually without even reading them. I made an exception to post this reply, but did down vote the OP.
I upvoted this post and then out of respect downvoted it.
Well played
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I’d love to know who actually has this honor - I would guess Trump myself, but Elmu is a good guess too
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“Let me agitate my potato in peace, for crissake”
- you, probably
Whatch out for Mr Massive Tuber here! Mines is like a cashew, a small one.
The infamous cheese wheel.
If you scrape of the headcheese you fuck up the mushroom harvest.
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He’ll just ban the account instead, now. Maybe even say that it would be a block, but “that makes no sense”.
#Everyone must listen to me!
Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk’s PR work for free.
Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn’t need your help making sure his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.
You think being inevitably forced to see every bit of harassment and spam is going to make that platform more popular and financially viable? Nah, if anything this is free advertising for Mastodon.
How does mastodon work compared to twitter? I keep hearing about it but I’m still trying to figure out lemmy.
Removed as a protest against the community’s support for campaigns to bring about the deaths of members of marginalized groups, and opposition to private entities working to prevent such campaigns, together with it’s mindless flaming and downvoting of anyone who disagrees.
Firefish is another fediverse microblogging platform and it has search and quote tweets, but you can’t follow hashtags in your regular timeline (you can set up a separate timeline called an antenna that regularly pulls in posts according to a list of words or hashtags you specify). It also has a tweet deck style layout you can setup and you can easily follow and be followed by mastodon users from a firefish account.
There are other alternatives as well, but this is the one I am most familiar with.
In the same way lemmy is like many reddits communicating with eachother; mastodon is comparable to many twitters that can share users and posts with eachother
It’s very similar to Twitter, I’d say even more than Lemmy is to Reddit. Mastodon federated like Lemmy but in practice you can follow anyone from any instance. You just need to follow people using @username@instance.tld rather than just @username
Mastodon “block” is one-way, Twitter is two-way (it blocks the other person seeing your posts if they’re logged in).
Yeah, but every time these stories blow up, Mastodon, Threads, and BlueSky gets another user base boost. I’m ok with that. These stories keep making the alternative communities more and more viable.
I agree, he seems unwell and the attention is continuing the negative spiral. Unfortunately, I don’t think we can control what people are interested in. This is a total spectacle and media circus
What in the actual fuck does he think is going to happen
I have him blocked. It’s my fault. He noticed and now he is going to axe the whole feature
I could actually seeing that being the reason he’s doing this. Nothing a narcissist hates more than people ignoring them.
This is PRECISELY the reason. He fired a lead engineer who told him they can’t control how many people engage with his tweets. So he made it so that EVERYONE gets to see his tweets in their feed. Queue mass blocking of him and now he’s upset.
Lol oh my god, I think you’re 100% on the ball with that hypothesis. I honestly can’t think of a better explanation, and it absolutely fits with his narcissistic neuroses.
I mean… I’m willing to fight this fight if he wants to play it that way. I’d be more than happy to make a lot more heinous troll accounts to spam him with, and I’m willing to bet that a lot of other people feel the same way.
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I bet a ton of users blocked him that day he messed with the algorithm so much he was boosted into feeds that didn’t even follow him.
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Damn it, uwe. This is why we can’t have nice things.
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Probably gets hourly updates on followers, blockers, views etc.
He’s going to be able to harass everyone that had blocked him.
I bet he will still be able to block users without them knowing too
When you can pay to win, to always have the last word… He’ll let them know.
Next, deleting your account gets axed. Feature makes no sense.
That would be a “Getting nuked from orbit by EU” speedrun.
Immediately causing a shit storm from at least the EU, the UK, and California.
He wants shitbag, astroturf, conservative, fascist “personalities” to be able to respond to and every prominent non-fascist post where they can be promoted to the top of the replies.
As a bonus, it will also help the astroturfing oil companies better kill environmental efforts.
Maybe he wants to get rid off the somewhat smart people on Twitter so the rest can be easily radicalized with the intend that they vote against their interest and for the interests of rich people?
I’d say it’s either that or he wants greater reach to feed his narcism.
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So… Wait.
This means someone can just @ someone else and destroy their feed with hate or dick pics or whatever?!
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Mr. “assassination coordinates” said he was going to live stream driving to Zucks house to fight him, which would effectively doxx Zuck. Expecting logical consistency is silly.
He’s started asking for driver’s licenses now so maybe he’s gonna dox people
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Sounds like people should start setting up nasty ass porn bots and have them spam Musk constantly
Ooooooh I’ve been looking for a self hosted project like that
What I suspect will happen is that Musk cronies will be free to harass anyone they want, but anyone harassing Musk or one of this cronies will be banned.
Yep, I think so. And “someone else” includes Elon.
Do with that information what you will :D
Yes, that’s the goal.
How does mute work?
Blue checks will complain about it, then want a feature to get around that.
Complain about mute? How will they know they have been muted?
If you mute someone, you don’t see their posts. They don’t get any notification that you have muted them. It’s the same as blocking but they don’t know they are blocked.
Blocking is a step up from muting. Muting just makes it so you don’t see the muted users’ posts and comments. Blocking makes it so that the blocked user is muted, plus they cannot see any of your posts and comments. Blocked users also cannot @ you.
Blocking lets them know they need to make another account to continue to harass you.
Something most won’t do because it requires more time and effort on their part. Plus, blocking alt accounts is super quick and easy.
They will if they hate you enough.
Muted accounts can’t @ you either.
The only difference between block and mute is that your are informing them they are blocked, prompting them to make an alt so that they can keep doing shit.
The only difference between block and mute
Incorrect. I’d already explained the differences to you in another post.
Thanks for the correction. I thought it was different at some point, but to be fair I haven’t used Twitter in many years now. I just assumed it was still similar to how most other apps handle it.
It is different, he’s just being dishonest.
If you block someone else on Twitter, they can’t even see your profile at all (muting still allows them to see your profile and interact with everything you post or retweet). Sure, it tells them they’re blocked, but this also means they can’t interact with anything you post at all. If they want too, they’ll either have to make an alt account (someone most are too lazy to do) or ask fellow toxic assholes to screenshot your posts for them to see.
Muting is useless when dealing with harassers. It’s why the block feature was added; because minority communities begged for it.
what’s the difference between block and mute? Block just lets them not see your feed and notifies them of this, but mute just hides anything they post from you?
Muting people that harass you instead of blocking them enable them to just spam libel about you onto your posts, which can have other effects. At least with blocking, they can’t just do it on your actual posts.
Yeah, insane. it lets them see your stuff and also @ you to other people.
Even better they can spam literal child porn at you because of “outrage” and youll get a exec from Twitter defending you to parliament!
“it makes no sense” literally every social media site in existence has the block feature, and the reason is to help people prevent harassment. Elon is like a fucking toddler, it’s obvious he just wants to get rid of blocking because he’s pissy about being blocked by other people.
The block “feature” is a required tool for being listed on the Google and Apple stores, among others.
Removing it will get Twitter delisted from them as well.
Just stop using Twitter. It’s easy.
I mean it’s literally in the terms and conditions of both the App Store and Play Store for social media to have a block button lol
This is incredibly consistent with the “free speech” crowd thinking free speech entitles you to an audience.
Unreal. It’s not even incompetence, he really is just tanking the site on purpose.
The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO’s heart.
It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.
It’s just Dumb evil.
It’s also a feature explicitly required by both the Apple and Google app stores for apps that have user generated content.
1.2 User-Generated Content
Apps with user-generated content present particular challenges, ranging from intellectual property infringement to anonymous bullying. To prevent abuse, apps with user-generated content or social networking services must include:
…- The ability to block abusive users from the service
User Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) is content that users contribute to an app, and which is visible to or accessible by at least a subset of the app’s users.
Apps that contain or feature UGC, including apps which are specialized browsers or clients to direct users to a UGC platform, must implement robust, effective, and ongoing UGC moderation that:
…- Provides an in-app system for blocking UGC and users;
Every day he further proves that he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s 100% going to reverse this decision when he find out all of the things he should have know before saying anything.
Lmao he’s gonna get himself booted from BOTH app stores 😂
I can see him choosing to leave the app stores like epic did just to dodge the 30% cut. And of course he will put on a bunch of theatre about “free speech” if they do unlist Twitter.
But he charges $8 a month for free speech.
Is this real? That’s hilarious.
It’s chaotic good, because by destroying his platform, he is making the fedi grow. Surely there has to be a point where people will leave, right?
Did people stop using centralised services after all the data breaches and privacy scandals?
Not when there are no decentralized services to turn to.
This is so dumb, what is he thinking? What’s the angle?
Dumbness aside, Twitter is only usable if you block all of the blue check spammers who add nothing to any discussion.
Maybe he’s doing it so you can’t block blue checks? But it still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
I half wonder if he is running an experiment to see how much his users are willing to put up with so that all the other tech companies can figure out how far they can push us.
I think it’s that and ads. Easier to sell promotional stuff when the whole user base is simply incapable of hiding your shill posts.
It’s been non-stop advanced bullshit after bullshit coming out of basically all corpos for the past year, but things were always headed in this direction. Muskrat just helped speed things along. The silver lining in all of this is the Fediverse and other platforms are finally popping off. Hopefully that trend gains more momentum and big tech dies before we end up further into a future we don’t want to be in.
This but his goal is to find the line and step over it, not toe it. He didn’t like Twitter being a liberal leaning platform that pushed extreme conservatives out so he’s reversing that. The only nuance he’s using is to do it slowly enough that there’s still libs to pwn on his platform over the rather than having them all leave at once. Plus if he can chase them away rather than ban them, he can claim to be more about free speech. But this is all about suppressing opinions he doesn’t like, with an added bonus that he can ban people for not loving him.
in the next iteration he’ll make it so you can only block people who don’t have twitter blue
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This is pretty wise, I think. I do believe you have figured out the reason, or at least part of the reason. Driving up rage engagement!
People can’t block him anymore, no more hiding from his opinions
That’s what I was thinking. Either a specific person blocked him that he got upset about or the amount of people that have him blocked upset him. Either way it’s personal and he’s throwing a tantrum like a toddler. Again.
This is so dumb, what is he thinking? What’s the angle?
I’d guess that he wants to control what people see for one reason or another. I blocked a lot of communities here to make my feed more enjoyable.
Less work needed to maintain the system? He fired most engineers, those remaining can only do so much at one time.
What’s there to maintain, the feature is already there and should be relatively simple. I can’t imagine that Twitter backend is so bad that it requires active work on all components.
Lmao this is going to be incredible to watch unfold. I am assuming Elon himself has blocked an absolute fuckton of accounts that are just out to troll him, so either he’s gonna (rightly) get absolutely inundated by trolls, or he’s gonna make the devs disable it for everyone except him and whoever else he wants to give that feature to.
yeah, elon’s not going to see the negative consequences of this personally, because he’ll just use the “ban” button instead of the “block” button.
I’m betting I can reverse engineer how to create spam accounts in a mostly automated fashion faster than he can ban accounts. And I bet a lot of other people can do the same.
I feel very confident saying that he’s not gonna win this one.
twitter blue (X Pro) members