Works for me. I have zero time to waste on Linux. I know Windows. I use Windows and have few problems with it. I am Average Joe Computer User. You have yet to give me a single reason why I would ever care enough to use Linux other than some “Grrrrr M$ IS BAD” reason. Why should I?
What’s wrong with monopolies?
Why should I value my privacy?
Why should I use code that is open and freely auditable instead of closed and proprietary?
Why should I have more ownership of my computer?
These are the questions you are essentially asking, and while I could write a whole treatise on it I doubt you would change your mind anyway. Enjoy using Windows.
Works for me. I have zero time to waste on Linux. I know Windows. I use Windows and have few problems with it. I am Average Joe Computer User. You have yet to give me a single reason why I would ever care enough to use Linux other than some “Grrrrr M$ IS BAD” reason. Why should I?
These are the questions you are essentially asking, and while I could write a whole treatise on it I doubt you would change your mind anyway. Enjoy using Windows.