Currently I manage my passwords in an archaic but secure way, which is simply to synchronize a directory where I have my Keepass database between my devices, and I say archaic but secure because even if my Nextcloud server hosted on a VPS explode (where I have the database stored) I still have the databases stored locally, so I don’t lose anything.

I am currently interested in self hosting Vaultwarden although my biggest drawback is the fact that if my VPS were to fail for example I would not be able to access my database and if I lose access to the database I lose access to all my passwords. a pretty bad scenario.

So I have a question, what can I do to prevent that from happening? Apart from hosting everything on my own hardware of course, for now I prefer to use VPS for different reasons.

    2 years ago

    Syncthing can realtime monitor a folder that just has the keepass file and automatically update to any other syncthing enabled devices in near realtime.

    Additionally it can be set to keep versions of the file so you can have copies of older versions to hand whenever things go wrong.

    The only real catch is to not have the keepass db open on 2 devices at the same time as any changes made in one may be overwritten by the other as file locking isn’t a thing in this method.

    I’ve used Syncthing and keepass in this way for many many years