I’m not the one defending a corporation that literally hid behind their CEOs coming out story to avoid bad press about their tax dodging… Tax dodging which helped them get their obscene warchest today. Apple isn’t your friend and doesn’t care that you exist, dude.
Cry more and go suck some more corporate dick while you’re at it.
I guess you can’t infer that other people have their own opinions. The whole thing that started this was me having the opinion that you can’t trust corporations to not change in the future.
You don’t have to say certain things for me to be willing to make statements of my own opinion. That’s how a conversation works but I guess you must not have a lot of those in real life.
I’m not the one defending a corporation that literally hid behind their CEOs coming out story to avoid bad press about their tax dodging… Tax dodging which helped them get their obscene warchest today. Apple isn’t your friend and doesn’t care that you exist, dude.
Cry more and go suck some more corporate dick while you’re at it.
Not defending Apple. I’m a Linux user. Apple can generally go fuck itself. Try again.
I’m definitely not the one being a tryhard here.
Also, Linux ain’t safe from corporate influence when Linus dies, either.
There you go putting words in my mouth again
Other people having their own opinions isn’t putting words in your mouth.
Ok then you’re making strawmen. Same difference.
FFS dude do you have so little grasp of the English language you legitimately can’t infer anything or are you just being dense on purpose?
Having an opinion and stating it isn’t making a strawman.
At this point I’m just having fun pissing you off.
When did I call you a try hard?
When did I ever talk about corporate influence in any way, shape, or form?
You’re responding to shit I am not saying. That’s a strawman or putting words in my mouth.
I guess you can’t infer that other people have their own opinions. The whole thing that started this was me having the opinion that you can’t trust corporations to not change in the future.
You don’t have to say certain things for me to be willing to make statements of my own opinion. That’s how a conversation works but I guess you must not have a lot of those in real life.