The Hero of Twinks
The Hero of Twinks
Nintendo would never let anyone else access their hardware like that. They’re near fanatical about functionality and bulletproof UIs, integrating steam would only add the chances of something not flawlessly working 24/7 for all users.
Really would be cool to stop seeing this shit all over the front page. Pretty sure a lot of us are here because we don’t care about these sites.
Oh man I just said in another thread we need a HomeLab here, give it a Google - they have a pretty good discord if you want to avoid the Reddit
A lot of companies have massive backend services they don’t really advertise. Amazon makes most of its profits from AWS which is pretty much the primary distribution hub of the entire Internet.
Not if the patient consented. My first job out of college was filming procedures in the OR for a private plastic surgeon for his educational YouTube. They had to sign a waiver beforehand though. All perfectly legal she lost her licence because malpractice not specifically streaming. The guy I worked for was legit af (top 5 facial surgeon in the world) and would’ve told me to stop filming it something ever went wrong, not that it ever did.
Modders already on top of optimization. DLCC 2.0 mod already out there. Runs 40-50 fps 4K/ultra on my system unmodded. 3080ti, 12900k, 128GB DDR5, m2.