Edit: I should have lead with… thanks! I appreciate a second set of eyes on it, I want everything in my articles to be factually correct. If ever I’m way off in content I share, please do tell me, and I’ll correct it.
Tell you what, to avoid confusion, I’ll simplify the language in that paragraph, it seems to be distracting a few folks.
I should mention, my experience is very old, I haven’t held a valid cert in decades - so, if there is a flaw in my knowledge, that wouldn’t be my old LT’s fault (as our training was broadly excellent), that is almost certainly foggy memory.
In this case, I’m still pretty sure I’ve described the behavior correctly. I’m removing the reference to avoid distraction, but I’m pretty sure it is correct as-is. See bolded text if you only want to read a single sentence about it.
The definitions you’ve linked above do not contradict what I’ve posted below or how I’ve described the behavior in the article. You’re running a narrow definition, I’m running a broad definition, the distinction is really fine and neither is wrong.
From the linked Wikipedia article I linked above:
This definition [of flashover] embraces several different scenarios and includes backdrafts, but there is considerable disagreement about categorizing backdrafts as flashovers.[5]
I hear you! That’s very interesting to know about RFP, that term is 100% new to me. Makes a lot of sense.
Point taken. Article amended with a thank you for your more specific terminology.
Have a good one.