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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • He’s not a giant asshole, he just doesn’t sugar-coat everything he says.

    It’s sort of a defining trait in people where he is from. If we say something we tend to say it straight. He might be a more extreme example than most, but I had a good friend from the same neighborhood and he was the same.

    We grew up a few years later when he had already moved to the US, but we used to sneak smokes in the park right outside where he first made Linux. My friend lived in the same building as he had done, but he was so computer illiterate that he had no idea who Linus was. I did, though, because Linus described that place pretty well in what I believe was his first book.

  • I’ve used Dropbox since literally their first year of creation and I’ve never experienced a single one of these issues. I use it mostly as a portable library and all I need is 2 mins of any internet connection to download any book(s) I want to read to a local device. Mind you this is on their free plan, so I’ve never paid a cent to them either. Requires me to periodically transfer older books to another long term solution, but that is just a few mouse clicks. I’ve read hundreds if not more ebooks this way. Since I prefer .mobi (which I can even read IN dropbox if I want) I can upload straight to dropbox after converting from .epub.

    I mean, it sounds frustrating, but your experience with them sounds extremely weird to me.

    At least to me they’ve been the best cloud provider by far, for what it’s worth.

    With that said, I don’t especially like that they’re doing this even though my specific content is mostly available in any number of places anyway, given that it’s literature.

  • I agree, it had its ups and downs, but on the whole it made me contemplate on things from many perspectives, and I think (and hope) that that was ultimately the goal of the creators as well. It certainly seemed to be.

    Very few things I’ve watched have given me the same …vibe, so to speak. I have been to India and that episode felt very … authentic, for a lack of a better word.

    In my opinion it’s a bit sad it didn’t get all that much recognition, but it also wasn’t the easiest series to watch at times.