Apparently, people creating new accounts seem to assume the word (password) in the box in light gray font is a suggestion rather than a label.
vintage champagne socialist 🇺🇦 🏳️🌈
Apparently, people creating new accounts seem to assume the word (password) in the box in light gray font is a suggestion rather than a label.
Yes but. Spreadsheets used to be done by hand, yet we still have bookkeepers
Thanks for posting, I’ve been looking for a no code option
The whole industry is toxic, mentally and environmentally.
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Ah ok. Yeah they just did a thing to replicate it recently. Not sure if that means there was a period when that ability was lost though
Ok, I think I get where you are coming from, but your conclusion still doesn’t argue the original point imo.
The GDPR law on the UK statute books is the exact same law as the EU one, it has not been amended. It’s just that the ECJ is no longer the highest court. The UK supreme court is again supreme following brexit.
Please provide an example of where the EU has taken action successfully against a conpany that has no base in the EU though. I’ve not seen anything like that bef
The original point was that the UK was somehow in a worse position because of brexit, this is not true. The UK is no weaker legally because of exiting the EU. The law is identical.
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The judgment, issued by the three-member tribunal at the First-tier Tribunal, agreed with Clearview’s assertion that the ICO lacked jurisdiction in the case because the data processing in question was carried out on behalf of foreign government agencies.
Yeah, I’m going to take the judgement as the truth over your opinion of a fictional ECJ judgement, especially as the UK GDPR law is exactly the same as the EU one.
Please provide a link that shows otherwise
Therefore, if you conduct business with EU citizens, you must comply with GDPR."
They weren’t conducting business, as the article says. If they were, the law, in the UK, which hasn’t changed, would apply. But they weren’t.
I’m not… Just replying to EU supremacists who think their laws rule the world, they don’t.
And who haven’t read the fucking article which clearly says other EU countries have tried taking them to court, so the fucking moron who said it wouldn’t have happened if the UK hadn’t left the EU is clearly talking shite, as are all the other fucking morons who upvoted them without reading it.
[End rant]
Yes, not in breach. The UK laws have not been changed since brexit. Start dealing in facts, not some conceptual Brussels effect which isn’t real other than REACH. The California effect is much larger.
The EU court can decide whatever the fuck it likes, it still has zero jurisdiction outside the EU.
Also, read the FUCKING article, the French also brought a case…
The Brussels effect is a book.
Are you saying the lawyer who specialises in data and privacy is wrong?
The company was working for a foreign government, not commercially
You could like, read the article?
Create your own banks then
It was called the Cold War… jeez, you guys love trotting out one side of a conflict.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), which contribute to smog and respiratory illnesses
Yes in the EU. Fuck all out if it. This company was not operating in Europe. The internet isn’t in Europe
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