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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I was hoping to avoid getting deep enough into this that I have to break out the block quotes myself, but oh well. Here we are.

    you shouldn’t make a straw man out of the position of people you disagree with or be uncivil.

    I don’t think I’ve been any less charitable than you and weirdwallace75, though. It’s not like any of us are steel-manning each others points. And why would we? There’s no benefit in this context. It’d just be a longer route to the conclusion that I jumped to early, that we fundamentally disagree and that an internet comments argument with strangers is not going to be sufficient to change any minds. If we were all friends, and frequently spent time discussing things in person, and trusted each other, then sure, maybe we could make some progress. But we’re not, and we don’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It’s not clear what exactly you’re accusing me of. Mindlessly parroting other peoples’ views?

    Sort of? See the definition of talking points. Not necessarily mindless, but certainly low-effort and static. Like, I’ve seen all of them before. Literally every single anti-gun talking point. They didn’t get me to change my mind the first dozen times, so why would they now? They simply do not address the reasons that I am in favor of a well-armed society. As an anarchist, I care about how power is allocated. I want power to be widely distributed, not concentrated. And guns are tools of power.

    If what I said is so weak and easily refuted it’s a little strange that the best rebuttal you can come up with is “you’re wrong”.

    I didn’t say that they were easily refuted. Just as I don’t find the talking points convincing, I don’t expect you to find the usual responses to them convincing either. We’d just get bogged down in side arguments. However, I also wasn’t inclined to concede the point. Which leaves us at “you’re wrong”.

    Why do you think you know what I’m concerned about?

    Because you said it yourself? You likened planning for fascist violence to planning for the rapture.

    I could be far left,
    I could be far right,

    You’re not. I’m certain enough of it to bet money. Unless this has all been a very weird acting exercise.

    none of that would have any bearing on something that comes down to the question of “is this an effective tool for the task”.

    It does, though. Your worldview affects your perception of the problem, and your perception of the potential tools for dealing with it. It affects what you pay attention to, what you learn, and what you dismiss. We disagree both on the level of severity and on the effectiveness of each tool, due to our differences in worldview.

    I’m a Utilitiarian

    I’m not really talking about utilitarianism vs egoism or whatever else, though that could play a small part. I’m more referring to the totality of our worldviews, our mental models of how everything works.

  • I was hoping to avoid getting deep enough into this that I have to break out the block quotes myself, but oh well. Here we are.

    you shouldn’t make a straw man out of the position of people you disagree with or be uncivil.

    I don’t think I’ve been any less charitable than you and weirdwallace75, though. It’s not like any of us are steel-manning each others points. And why would we? There’s no benefit in this context. It’d just be a longer route to the conclusion that I jumped to early, that we fundamentally disagree and that an internet comments argument with strangers is not going to be sufficient to change any minds. If we were all friends, and frequently spent time discussing things in person, and trusted each other, then sure, maybe we could make some progress. But we’re not, and we don’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It’s not clear what exactly you’re accusing me of. Mindlessly parroting other peoples’ views?

    Sort of? See the definition of talking points. Not necessarily mindless, but certainly low-effort and static. Like, I’ve seen all of them before. Literally every single anti-gun talking point. They didn’t get me to change my mind the first dozen times, so why would they now? They simply do not address the reasons that I am in favor of a well-armed society. As an anarchist, I care about how power is allocated. I want power to be widely distributed, not concentrated. And guns are tools of power.

    If what I said is so weak and easily refuted it’s a little strange that the best rebuttal you can come up with is “you’re wrong”.

    I didn’t say that they were easily refuted. Just as I don’t find the talking points convincing, I don’t expect you to find the usual responses to them convincing either. We’d just get bogged down in side arguments. However, I also wasn’t inclined to concede the point. Which leaves us at “you’re wrong”.

    Why do you think you know what I’m concerned about?

    Because you said it yourself? You likened planning for fascist violence to planning for the rapture.

    I could be far left,
    I could be far right,

    You’re not. I’m certain enough of it to bet money. Unless this has all been a very weird acting exercise.

    none of that would have any bearing on something that comes down to the question of “is this an effective tool for the task”.

    It does, though. Your worldview affects your perception of the problem, and your perception of the potential tools for dealing with it. It affects what you pay attention to, what you learn, and what you dismiss. We disagree both on the level of severity and on the effectiveness of each tool, due to our differences in worldview.

    I’m a Utilitiarian

    I’m not really talking about utilitarianism vs egoism or whatever else, though that could play a small part. I’m more referring to the totality of our worldviews, our mental models of how everything works.

  • Alright, I’m down for a bit of meta discussion.

    I have very little patience for online debate at this stage of my life. It’s not sufficient to really change the minds of people who have an established position, generally speaking. Unless I find the discussion inherently enjoyable, or I feel that I can sway some undecided people, I tend to just peace out. Not worth my time.

    My goal here was to plug /m/LiberalGunOwners, in response to someone worrying about fascism and mentioning guns. Mainly trying to find “my people” and get them organized after the Great Reddit Diaspora.

    In this context, you and weirdwallace75 come in with the talking points. Yes, talking points. They’re flawed, they’re patronizing, they’re uncompelling, and I’ve heard them many, many times before. They really are irrelevant to my concerns. “What about this fascist movement” is not addressed by “but you might hurt yourself”.

    Once you did address my concern, it just revealed what I’m referring to as the “liberal vs leftist” divide. This divide reflects a difference in worldview. If you had my worldview, you’d be an anarchist. As a (presumably) liberal, you’re relatively less concerned about fascist movements, and your prescription for dealing with them is going to rely (relatively) more on institutions and less on direct action.

    There isn’t really anything to be done about this divide. We’re just going to disagree.

  • Rather than get locked in a “someone is wrong on the internet” cycle, let’s put a pin in this. We’ve both read each others points, and found them unconvincing. Whatever audience we might hope to sway has thinned out. On reddit I would have just silently walked away at this point, but the threadiverse is small and we’re likely to encounter each other again.

    I’m guessing that our disagreement just comes down to a liberal vs leftist divide, and possibly also American vs European. We’re not likely to bridge those as random internet commenters. So, TTFN.

  • Also wrong, and not really relevant to my point? I’m not talking about the value proposition of having a gun for dealing with run of the mill crime.

    We’re (Americans) in a situation where we’re faced with an active and armed fascist movement, and those who would oppose that movement have systematically disarmed themselves because “guns bad”. What’s your plan for when they decide to remind us that “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”?

    Don’t bother consulting your canned talking points, you actually have to think about this one for yourself.