lol yeah the EU mandates that users can delete more core pre-installed apps. It’s literally the opposite
Apple will let users delete core apps, including the App Store, Messages, Photos, Camera, and Safari, for the first time.
lol yeah the EU mandates that users can delete more core pre-installed apps. It’s literally the opposite
Apple will let users delete core apps, including the App Store, Messages, Photos, Camera, and Safari, for the first time.
I know that some people will get all huffy about this (you know who you are, commenters)
I love techdirt
Just a huge portrait screen to to doom scroll through Facebook reels and instagram stories probably
Can’t wait for all the crapware to flood the market and slap that 80gbps logo on anything and everything
Very true, though I think in the early days of the Silicon Valley boom most tech workers were liberal democrats, whereas since tech finally became very measurably lucrative, it’s since been flooded by neocons and techno-libertarians
Moving to texas as a remote california tech worker is incredibly common, but it mostly comes down to not wanting to pay california taxes or real estate prices. That being said, it’s important to note that the majority of west coast tech workers give fuck all about the common good or societal improvements, or they wouldn’t work for facebook/google etc
What will be interesting for sure is the difference of this approach vs. the porn approach in the southern US. In this case in Australia? Social media companies will tip toe any line they can because there is so much money to be made and they want every dollar.
PornHub? They just blocked access in 17 states instead of even trying to worry about age verification. They’re still getting their users, but now they’re coming over VPN.
It wouldn’t be pixelfed anyway. It would be their loop product. The vast majority of instagram users give fuck all about photos and just endlessly swipe through stories nonstop for those 10 second dopamine video hits. It’s no different than reels on Facebook as you said, just geared toward a different generation. My grandmother is hopelessly addicted to FB reels, and my fiancé is hopelessly addicted to IG stories, but the behavior is identical.
You’re correct, this is the even better kind of legal bribery: lobbying. “Donating” to a cause for favorable rulings later
I’ve recently started using https://www.nushell.sh/, and while it’s not bash compatible, which can lead to some annoyances, it’s really excellent for working with terminal data in a clean and useful manner
Elongated Muskrat
That’s basically Neuromancer, and at this point it seems that big tech companies are reading dystopian cyberpunk literature as next-gen business advice books, so you’re certainly right
Certainly possible, and I’ve definitely been a part of orgs with just too much management, but I’m wary of Google saying that, considering how many products they kill every year. I’m sure there would certainly be space for their employees to expand horizontally if their product lineup wasn’t so volatile
After an engineer is there long enough, they’re likely to become a manager. They’re way more expensive to keep around. Google wants to lay them off and churn them for college grads. Looks better for PR if they say it’s an “efficiency push” rather than “we don’t like to retain employees because it’s expensive.” So this was definitely an arbitrary number
Where is there a missing vowel?
“As we’ve said before, we don’t employ these Accenture workers, so it’s a matter between them and Accenture,” Google spokesperson Courtenay Mencini said in an emailed statement.
“It’s cheaper for us to outsource this labor and as long as Accenture doesn’t try to renegotiate our contract we give fuck-all what happens.”
The Capitalization Of Each Word Is Annoying But Yes, It’s Grammatically Fine
Which grade between fourth and eighth were you in
More likely it just wouldn’t be a rule for “enterprise” accounts so businesses could do whatever they want if they fork up the cash