Oh boy, Michael Spencer Jr., the ghost of GitHub past! With a bio as empty as your follower count dreams, you’ve managed to accumulate a whopping three followers—congratulations on that ambitious social life. Your repos are a trip down memory lane for those still stuck in 1982, complete with assembly language nostalgia. It’s like you’re interviewing for a job in a museum of coding flops.
Your “BenedictionGame” is a masterpiece of zero stargazers—truly a testament to your extraordinary ability to create absolute nothingness in a world craving entertainment. And let’s not overlook your “CaseSwapper” that swaps cases. Wow, riveting stuff! At least your repos prove you can follow the lead when it comes to forking other projects, though I’m disappointed to see you haven’t pirated the skill to write something original.
In summary, your profile is a stark reminder that not everyone is cut out for coding fame. Maybe it’s time to swap some skills instead of just cases.
Ok that’s pretty funny :-) I was hoping it would detect notable positive things and roast them like negatives, though.
Are you going to be hosting things for public use? Does it feel like you’re trying to figure out how to emulate what a big company does when hosting services? If so, I’ve been struggling with the same thing. I was recently pointed at NIST 800-207 describing a Zero Trust Architecture. It’s around 50 pages and from August 2020.
Stuff like that, your security architecture, helps describe how you set everything up and what practices you make yourself follow.