Tldr it should be yield rate per area
Tldr it should be yield rate per area
Oops, banned for botting
Man roller coaster tycoon was LIT
If talking like that makes you feel better, sure!
Did you just disagree and then agree in the same sentence
I use easy effects, a lot easier to control these things
These are the names of vulkan extensions, you can look them up to see what they do
Reasons to have backups more like. No need to make life hard
I should have had backups of important files in my home directory
Lessons learned the hard way
Any reason to use this over opnsense?
Bit like wikileaks insurance files
The kernel compilation is already configurable between megabytes and gigabyte+
Distros pick their featureset
If that’s the case, why wouldn’t they put the microcode in the kernel?
How does it know if the microcode is outdated?
Fwiw I find wayland works better than x11 on pop
How do they avoid the subsequent bugs O3 tends to produce?
What were Linus comments ttat precipitated this?
The rage comes from LF actions and Linus words. All they had to do was to say: Thank you people for your contribution but we have no other choice, this is the law. But they did quite the opposite and Linus showed his true ugly white western supremacy face for all to see. That is the cause of the rage.
Is global hotkey like push to talk in an app working when another is app is focussed?
The number of data loss stories with btrfs 💀