• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

  • tal@lemmy.todaytoTechnology@lemmy.worldHow are holograms possible?
    5 hours ago


    You’d think that you could take three exposures, using a red, blue, and green laser, and then use optics to recombine the output to create a color hologram.

    But I’ve never heard of such a thing. I wonder if there’s some kind of physical limitation that I can’t think of preventing it?


    Nope. Apparently you can do exactly that, and devices do exist to do it:


    First I’d seen of this, though.

    EDIT: Ah, late in the video, they actually do show a few color holograms, the most-obvious of which is probably the R2D2 shot, which clearly has both blue and red.

  • considers

    If it gets a federal subsidy, that subsidy is going to really primarily benefit Pennsylvania, yes?

    I mean, yes, power from it maybe – if Microsoft isn’t schlorping all of it up – help support the grid in the region a bit. But if Microsoft’s building a datacenter in Pennsylvania and this is subsidizing a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, the benefit’s really principally going to Pennsylvania alone, other than in the limited sense that it reduces carbon dioxide emissions.

    California or Nevada, say, isn’t going to benefit from that either way.

    Like, if there’s some sort of federal subsidy accessible to any state that wants to do nuclear power build-out and that this is just how Pennsylvania chooses to make use of it, that might be one thing.

  • I vaguely remember reading in my criminal law textbook, years back, that murder is one of the few exceptions to the doctrine of necessity (this would have been in the context of US law), so I don’t think that it’s ever legally-permissible to intentionally kill some random person to save yourself. IIRC the rationale was that it prevents thing like terrorist groups from coercing someone to do actions for them by threatening someone else.

    That being said, there are obviously points where people are forced to take actions where either one group of people is going to die or another; in ethics, the trolley problem is a well-known example. For a maybe-less-artificial problem, closing hatches in a ship where not everyone is out of a compartment to prevent the ship from going down, say. I don’t know how law applies in the situation of weighing lives; my assumption is that it doesn’t mandate inaction.

  • Tales-like

    I’ve been kind of out of the RPG loop for a while, probably not the best person to suggest, and haven’t played the series, but I’m thinking that if you could expand a bit on that, it might help provide suggestions…I mean, not clear to me what you’re looking for that’s specific to that relative to other RPGs. Similar setting? A long-running RPG series with many entries? The combat system (absent the real-time aspect)?

    You mention “depth of story”, so maybe something with a similar level of storytelling?

  • I’m not really gung-ho about mandatory approaches either, like with licensing, but for an optional approach:

    • I have to be able to assess a device and its drawbacks with a reasonable amount of knowledge and time spent researching it.

    • There has to be at least one option on the market that does what I want.

    For cars, at least, we’re really getting to the point where it’s not practical to get a new car without a cell data link that phones home.

    And trying to stay atop of the privacy issues for all classes of device out there can’t be a full-time job, or it’s not reasonable to expect people to make informed purchasing decisions. Like, I should just be able to say that I don’t want a device that broadcasts any persistent unique IDs in plaintext over a radio, not have to research whether the current crop of smart automobile tire pressure valves has a protocol that exposes that information or not…

    I’d like to avoid Europe’s prescription-heavy regulatory route, but the way things are now in the US isn’t my ideal either.

  • One issue that has come up recently in discussions on here is that it’s hard to get dumb TVs or computer monitors in large format in 2024.

    Not impossible, but surprisingly difficult. I went looking for a large computer monitor for some user who wanted a large one. I eventually found an older one on Amazon still for sale, but it’s not that easy to get large computer monitors, which I think is part of what drives people to use smart TVs as computer monitors.

    You can get projectors, but that’s not what everyone’s after.