Telegram, an essential communication tool for millions, finds itself under scrutiny once again. Copyright holders have long expressed concerns about the lack of enforcement on the platform, and recent actions suggest Telegram is responding. Subscribers to Z-Library’s popular channel recently noticed that several of the shadow library’s messages have been removed “due to copyright infringement.”
shocked pikachu face
Imagine using a messenger without meaningful end-to-end encryption and expecting privacy and no moderation forever.
When will people start using Signal or Matrix for this? Signal supports public, encrypted chat rooms and so does Matrix.
you’re on a piracy community but you’re licensing your comments?
if you don’t respect other’s licences, why should they respect yours?
On the face of it, I appreciate that it looks funny, but the power dynamics are quite different. If I’m caught pirating, my ass could land in jail. If a company is caught pirating, it’s written off a business expense.
Would you find it as ridiculous if a slave whipped their owner? If the poor stole from the rich? If the weak took power from the powerful?
None of those examples have any relation to the ignorance of these licensing links.
What “ignorance”? The licensing link is added manually. I’ve read it.
Also what’s the point of being anti-ai when you’re already anti-cpyright?
The issue isn’t generative AI, its capitalism. The AI just makes capitalism’s bad parts more efficient, or is at least supposed to.
I don’t believe you want a genuine answer. You’ve already made a decision, so no matter what I say, you won’t agree with it 🤷 There’s no need to continue.
Well that’s an assumption…
Almost as if context matters, huh? 🤷
They don’t make money out of copyright and are a person not corporation.
In my private ethical code this is valid.
What’s wrong with trying to prevent companies scrape your data? How is that antithetical to piracy?
Can’t you see the irony of licensing your comment on a piracy forum?
Not if I think about it for longer than a second. Anti-AI licensing is aimed at corporations. Piracy is done for individuals getting a product.
Exactly this.
Why anyone’s still using Telegram is beyond me…
Furries and their sticker packs.