As mentioned earlier we were looking for some new mods to join the team. Plenty of you applied for which I am grateful. After checking your profiles and your applications a bit, I decided to go with the following peeps
As is typical with the way we run this instance, feel free to take bold actions, so long as we can reverse them later if they cause a problem. The idea is that y’all should feel empowered to take direct action to improve things without having to ask for permission.
Welcome to the crew!
Comment for the ping
Huh…TIL that post pings do not notify the user.
I promise to use my powers for good. 🏴☠️🦜
Thank you for your upcoming service. I look forward to mildly annoying you!
Arr. 🦜
Welcome and thank you for your service!
welcome, please protect imaginary witches with all of your might.
They’re /c/piracy mods, not instance admins ;)
Banhammers, however tiny, are still important in the battle.
And potentially make great keychains.
Congrats everyone! Glad to have you aboard! I almost applied but rather contribute with coding. Currently broke else would be donating.
If you can code, we can still use someone to help with some ui customization
Yeah i saw your post saying that, but couldnt find it again. Can you link me to an issue request in your repository?
There’s no specific issue in my repo, as I don’t maintain any frontends. I just want someone to extend one of the existing frontends, (preferrably tesseract) so that it displays the user flair retrieved from the threativore api
Feel free to PM me if interested and I can guide you further.
I for one welcome our new overlords. May you be fair and just; never making infamy in yepowertrippin’ bastards!
Thank you for your contributions!
shares cookies
Thanks for stepping up and good luck, you three! ♥️
Thanks for volunteering!
Welcome captains!
Grateful for your effort. I don’t have the time! It’s an important task.
Funny how this picture looks like a thumbnail from darknet diaries ^^
Welcome abroad mates.