Have you ever held a switch? Its long, flat and the controllers suck. Awful dpad and bad sticks.
Its almost comical, for a small stick the 3ds stick is better than any joycon stick.
And also, internal storage being only 32 GB, and cart games being downloaded in full to the system.
The switch is a mess. At least the games emulate well.
That’s not even going into the online ransom shit.
And the dock sucks too. Would it have killed Nintendo to add like 2 more USB ports and an Ethernet port.
And not related but powera can eat shit
The Joy Cons are the worst controllers Nintendo has ever made. If Switch 2 is anything even remotely similar, it’s seeing zero use as a handheld from me (if I even buy one).
It’s an amazing console, but the shortcomings you’ve mentioned are legit. When I got my Switch, I immediately ordered the Hori Split Pad. Then I threw the Joycons in a drawer and never looked at them again. A large capacity SD card is mandatory and is so cheap, I don’t consider that a big deal.
Online subscription shit is just console bullshit that I won’t pay on principle.
All the reasons you’ve mentioned have been sorted with a Steam Deck, and I haven’t ever picked up my Switch from the day my Deck arrived.
Here a microsd is pretty expensive, I have a 128.
Cheap pro style controllers are a good addon
Not a hot take at all. It was revolutionary for the first year it was released and then was quickly surpassed on every front by any company that put slightly more effort (and more cost) into any part of the switch: graphics, sensors, controllers, expandability, etc. Pretty stock for any Nintendo product, because they only focus on hardware that be produced mass-market and get good profit margins on. Which means it’s often made with current-to-dated components that can get overlooked because it’s the only platform you can play Nintendo games on. Also, not sure why they are so allergic to ergonomics, all the way back to the NES controller, the least comfortable controller of its peers
I find I very rarely use it as a handheld. I find it kind of heavy and awkward to hold after longer periods of time. I kinda wish Nintendo made another 3ds, lol. I’m extremely curious about what they’re going to do for the switch successor
I’d go even farther back - make another GBA
I want both a new GBA and a new 3ds.
I think maybe I just want a GBA
Which is probably currently available if I look around
I want a GBA, but the money to get one is not worth it.
A GBA is not worth 100 euros to me.
That’s true, especially since I don’t have any of the old physical games.
I might get one of those “retro handhelds” (rg351p, PowKiddy, etc) one day. Those at least seem much more reasonable, and probably sport more open architecture
I’m big into those, you want some recommendations?
Hell yes!! I would love that. I’m definitely looking for something lofi - like even playing SNES games would probably be overkill. Bonus points if it can play contemporary retro games, like for PICO-8
To be fair when it came out seven years ago it really shook up the portable gaming scene. Every portable console coming out since is an iteration on that design. The joycons can go to hell though. And those weird ass online plans.
Isn’t the switch itself just an iteration on the GameGear, or close to ‘home’, the GBA?
It’s not the first chunky, horizontal handheld. The only thing that was new about it was the joycons, and they ditched those immediately for the Lite.
The Game gear and GBA played games that were nothing like the home console games of their time.
This is what the Switch brought to the table. Breadth of the Wild was a great home console title, and you could play it handheld on the go.
I think that calling BOtW similar to other full-scale console games of 2017 like Sniper Elite 4, Middle Earth: Shadow of War, Nier Automata, Prey, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, RE7, or AssCreed Origins, is a biiiiiiig stretch.
It was a huge jump for Nintendo (it was basically putting GameCube-level games on a handheld), but it was still far behind other consoles. Witcher 3 (2015) even eventually released on the Switch in 2019, and it was massively graphically gimped compared to *ahem* real consoles.
I think that discounting the 5th best selling game of the year (plus all the awards) because you like games on other platforms is a mistake.
Graphics aren’t everything!
I didn’t say it’s not good, I said it’s not equivalent to console releases of that year. Graphics isn’t everything, and I still enjoy playing Pax Imperia and Nox, but that doesn’t change that it was a handheld game, not a console game. Pokemon Red/Blue were also some of the best selling games the year they released, but that doesn’t make the Gameboy equivalent as a console to PSX or N64 either.
BotW was originally developed for the WiiU, which it also released on. It is not a “handheld game”, and tbh I’d take it’s gameplay loop over Nier Automata or Shadow of War any day of the week.
What makes you think it’s a handheld game? It was originally designed for and did release on the Wii U, a console