Have you ever held a switch? Its long, flat and the controllers suck. Awful dpad and bad sticks.

Its almost comical, for a small stick the 3ds stick is better than any joycon stick.

And also, internal storage being only 32 GB, and cart games being downloaded in full to the system.

The switch is a mess. At least the games emulate well.

That’s not even going into the online ransom shit.

And the dock sucks too. Would it have killed Nintendo to add like 2 more USB ports and an Ethernet port.

And not related but powera can eat shit

  • cRazi_man@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    It’s an amazing console, but the shortcomings you’ve mentioned are legit. When I got my Switch, I immediately ordered the Hori Split Pad. Then I threw the Joycons in a drawer and never looked at them again. A large capacity SD card is mandatory and is so cheap, I don’t consider that a big deal.

    Online subscription shit is just console bullshit that I won’t pay on principle.

    All the reasons you’ve mentioned have been sorted with a Steam Deck, and I haven’t ever picked up my Switch from the day my Deck arrived.